Monday, August 4, 2014

Hop-on hop-off bus tour

We spent today riding around Dublin's hop-on hop-off bus tour (thanks to Anthony Martella Jr.!) This let us see many of the city's most popular stops starting with St. Patrick's Cathedral (thanks to Haley Williamson). Also, thanks to Mother Nature for giving us good weather for at least one day. 

The cathedral has a number of monuments dedicated to soldiers who died in action. This one is dedicated to those lost in the Anglo-Burma wars. Each of these memorials includes dogs mourning their fallen comrades. You can see similar artwork on another memorial on the left.

Up next was Trinity College and the Book of Kells (thanks to Tod Sullivan!). Needless to say, they do not allow photographs of their 1,200-year-old document. But I did get many shots of campus architecture.

Their old library at the college is basically what bibliophiles see when they get to heaven. 

Giggle, tee-hee, snort, giggle.

Self-portrait via bus mirror.

Our next stop was the Guinness Storehouse (thanks to Mike & Jessica Sempervive for the tour, and to Barbara Miller for lunch!)

I played around with shutter speed for some of these shots. Not bad for shooting without a tripod.

At the Gravity Bar, one of the highest viewpoints in a town where buildings don't get very tall.

We got pint glasses engraved with our names and "HONEYMOON 2014." Like a dummy, I didn't get a photo of the finished product. And now they're all packed away. Trust me, they're nice.

Time to go!

This may be the most Dublin thing I've seen in Dublin. This is not a cathedral or museum, at least not anymore. This is now a lighting store.

Our final stop for the day was at the Old Jameson Distillery (thanks to Tim & Deb Melancon!) You may not believe this, but there really weren't any photos there worth showing. Sorry. I was tired.

At night, we enjoyed dinner and a show (thanks to Mary Ogden!) This was two acoustic guitars, fiddle, and vocals, doing a mix of Irish standards and American classics. This was good stuff.

We are having a ball and can't say thank you enough.

TOMORROW: Vinny drives a car in Europe. Say a prayer for him.

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