Saturday, August 2, 2014

Christchurch Cathedral

We spent most of our first day in Ireland dealing with severe jet lag. We intended to sleep on the plane, but first-class travel is too amazing to miss. (Thanks again, and again, and again, to Ron & Cindy Verhei for that.) I don't want to go overboard on this, but when you fly first class on Aer Lingus, these are the controls for your seat:

Seriously now.

Once we landed, we did get to take in a tour of Christchurch Cathedral. (Thank you Linda O'Connell!) The church itself is more than a thousand years old, though most of the current building was erected in the 1870s.

You can kind of see it in this photo, but the wall on the right is leaning a full 18 inches out of plumb.

After that, we relaxed with the first official pint o'Guinness of the tour. (Thanks Matt Cleary!)

Later that night, we enjoyed dinner and drinks at the Brewery Room at the Merchants Arch Bar. Delicious fish and chips, lamb hot pot, Harp lager, and local beer 8 Degrees, which was similar to Kilkenny. (Thanks to Jessica & Austin Fischer and Justin Paine!) The singer, who was quite good, confirmed at one point that he and the waitstaff were the only Irish people there, though some locals did arrive by the end of the night.

With our body clocks finally starting to adjust, we have a tour in the morning, and more sightseeing that night. Thank you to everyone!

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